• 3M Bonding Products
    Bonding Product Comparison Tool

    Research and compare products for use in your design. Narrow your search by material and application details.

  • Image of finite element modeling showing stress points on interacting gearwheels
    Finite Element Analysis

    3M has developed Material Data Cards (MDCs) for common 3M PSAs for use with many commercially available FEA software applications.

  • If you can imagine it, we can help you build it, fix it or make it better.

  • Search the 3M Technical Database for technical data on 3M tapes and adhesives.

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Product Categories

Different challenges lead to different solutions. Depending on your needs, adhesive bonds can keep seams and joints secure, maintain rigidity or flexibility and provide a barrier to keep substances in or out while also making production easier.

Learn More About Adhesives and Tapes

Finding the right adhesive or tape for your bonding needs involves choosing likely candidates and testing them in your application. Knowing more about how adhesion works can help you find the right path.

Combined video stills showing various extreme obstacles challenges
3M Extreme Obstacles Challenge

See how 3M products stand up to the strength, stress, speed and versatility requirements of extreme sporting challenges.

More Resources for 3M Adhesive Technologies

  • Learn surface preparation best practices for 3M™ VHB™ Tape Applications
    Surface Preparation for 3M™ VHB™ Tape Applications

    Learn more about how different surface preparation methods can help you achieve the best bond.

  • Substrates and Adhesion – Learn bonding and assembly fundamentals for tapes and adhesives
    Substrates and Adhesion

    See surface energies for a wide range of materials and why coatings can present bonding challenges.

  • 3M™ Classifications – Choose the right adhesive products for your designs
    Adhesive and Tape Classifications and Characteristics

    Learn more about different classification types such as form, bond strength and type of bond.

  • A huge graphic text that reads 3M™ VHB™ Tapes 40 Years of Enabling Design
    3M™ VHB™ Tapes: over 40 years strong

    In the last 40 years, 25 billion feet of 3M™ VHB™ Tape has been produced – enough tape for 10 trips to the moon and back.

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We're here to help.

Need help finding the right product for your project? Contact us if you need product, technical, or application advice, or want to collaborate with a 3M technical specialist. Give us a call at 1-800-425-3030 (Toll Free #).