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A worker runs a hat channel through a push-through laminator applying 2 strips of 3M™ VHB™ Tape

Automation - Level 2: Process Assists

These operations are still mostly manual, but with more advanced tools that utilize simple mechanical or electrical tools to increase productivity or improve the precision of an application. Labour for these tasks is still relatively easy to find, but more precision is required to optimize production.

Process Assist Solutions for Tape Processes

  • Graphic of a triangle mesh outline on a black background with an icon of a gearwheel at the centre
    Fixtures and Jigs

    These guide the workpiece and help create a precise and consistent tape application. Commonly used to position parts in panel-to-frame applications such as handheld devices or TVs.

  • Automatically feeds and cuts a specific length of tape for the operator to apply. Used for medium to high production levels in industrial applications.

  • Image of a push-through laminator that applies two parallel strips of tape to a metal bar
    Push-Through Linear Laminator

    Used in stiffener and post applications. Requires moderate user interaction with little training.

Process Assist Solutions for Adhesive Processes

  • Image of an orange protective box containing a foot pressure switch to control adhesive application
    External Trigger Control

    Uses a trigger such as a thumb switch or foot pedal to control adhesive dispensing.

  • Graphic of a triangle mesh outline on a black background with an icon of a gearwheel at the centre
    Applicator Mounting System

    Apparatus used to mount an adhesive applicator such as a benchtop system, tool balancer or stand.

  • Image of three bench-top dispensers with different adhesive cartridges in place
    Metering System

    Time-pressure systems dispense adhesives by applying pressure to a cartridge or syringe for a set amount of time; accuracy can vary with different materials or viscosity changes. Volume metering systems measure the amount of material that is pushed through the system, allowing for better dispensing accuracy and repeatability.

We're here to help.

Need help finding the right product for your project? Contact us if you need product, technical or application advice or want to collaborate with a 3M technical specialist, or give us a call at 1800 425 3030.

Need help finding the right product for your project? Contact us if you need product, technical or application advice or want to collaborate with a 3M technical specialist, or give us a call at 1800 425 3030.