Explore guidelines, best practices and resources to help effectively care for your patients.
Foam Dressings
3M™ Tegaderm™ Silicone Foam Dressings Sacral and Heel Application Guide (PDF, 362.60 KB)
Super Absorbent Dressings
KerraMax Care™ Super-absorbent dressing
Antimicrobial Dressings
SILVERCEL™ NON-ADHERENT Antimicrobial Alginate Dressing
INADINE™ (PVP-I) Non Adherent Dressing
Collagen Dressings
PROMOGRAN™ Matrix Wound Dressing
Contact Layer
ADAPTIC TOUCH™ Non-Adhering Silicone Dressing
ADAPTIC™ Non-Adhering Dressing
Moisture Barrier
View the 3M Guidance on reducing contamination risk for patients and providers (PDF, 100.53 KB) includes information on isolation room procedures, hand hygiene, and single-use products.
Join our experts to take a deeper dive into respiratory protection topics to help reduce risks in the fight against COVID-19.
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