Protecting People & their Environment

Improving Productivity with 3M Solutions

How We Protect People and Their Environment

From personal protection equipment to high capacity sorbents for spill containment and clean-up, 3M safeguards your worksites and workers with specialized products for the oil and gas industry.

  • Rig Platform & Safety
    Rig & Platform Safety

    Well sites and rigs can be dangerous, and you’ll do everything you can to protect your workforce from harm.  3M shares your passion for safety and provides a variety of solutions for all upstream environments.


  • Oilfield Safety
    Oilfield Safety

    From the shipyard through miles of pipeline, your workers give their best to ensure a timely and safe delivery. 3M respects the skill and effort it takes to manage midstream operations and has developed a full portfolio of safety solutions – including welding protection – to safeguard your workers in highly demanding environments.


  • Refinery & Plant Safety
    Refinery & Plant Safety

    Fires, spills, equipment breakdowns and accidents can result in lost production and expose your company to liability risks. 3M offers a wide range of industrial safety products and systems engineered to help you prevent accidents...safeguard equipment...minimize the risk of injury...and ensure continuity of operations.