3M™ EMI Shielding Absorber AB6000HF/SHF Series is a hybrid shielding magnetic absorber consisting of a metal EMI shielding layer and absorbing layer with an insulation layer in between. The 3M AB6000HF/SHF provides good EMI absorbing and high-frequency EMI shielding for a lower signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). An acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesive and a removable release liner make applying the material easy and efficient. Available in sheets and rolls, these EMI absorbers are excellent for complex EMI applications requiring noise suppression, and shielding up to 18 GHz.
The 3M™ EMI Absorber AB6000HF/SHF Series is available in 0.105 mm.
3M™ EMI Shielding Absorber AB600HF/SHF series has a shielding layer to provide high shielding effectiveness across a broad range of frequencies.
The magnetic composite layer absorbs EMI in the 1-3 GHz range as shown in the power loss chart.