3M™ Speedglas™ Carry Bag, 790101

  • 3M ID UU009330034

Carry bag for welding respiratory system

Protects from scratches and other damage

Fits both helmet and respirator or regulator

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  • Carry bag for welding respiratory system
  • Protects from scratches and other damage
  • Fits both helmet and respirator or regulator
  • convenient solution for transporting your welding respiratory system
  • Carry or store your equipment for best comfort or care

3M™ Speedglas™ Carry Bag, 790101 helps protect your helmet and respirator or regulator from scratches and other damage whilst in transit. Our carry bag offers a convenient solution for transporting your welding respiratory system.

To effectively store or carry your 3M™ Speedglas™ welding equipment, use 3M™ Speedglas™ Welding System carry products. With options available for welding equipment storage including bags and pouches or options for safely carrying your equipment when in use including backpacks. Welding bags and pouches are designed to store your welding helmets and powered air respirators when not in use, protecting from dirt and scratches. Backpacks are available to enable the wearing of a powered air respirator on the back, rather than the waist, designed to aid wearer comfort.

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