Generate a Bill of Quantities for your road safety project in minutes with this easy-to-use BOQ tool. Just enter the project details and product names. The tool instantly creates a correctly-formatted BOQ with accurate descriptions.
Creating a Bill of Quantities (BOQ) document is an important task for every civil engineer and construction professional. The success of any civil engineering organisation depends on the excellence of the BOQ submitted to project stakeholders, so creating a BOQ sheet that communicates accurately proposed solutions and enlist quality materials that will make a project succeed are important.
In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of BOQ documents, what the parts of a BOQ are, and the steps to create it for road safety. For more BOQ-building resources, you can also use our handy BOQ tool to find out which 3M road safety products are suitable for your roadworks project. Their BOQ-ready details will also be generated for you.
It is a document used in the tender process, in this case, in the building and construction industry where materials, parts, labour, and their costs are itemised.
BOQs assist with the calculation of costs after a construction design is complete and specifications have been prepared. It is a key communication tool between the stakeholders, the consultant/engineer, and the contractor.
As all pricings, direct and indirect, are transparently laid out in a BOQ, it provides a fair and accurate system for tendering.
In India, BOQ documents commonly include these details:
• Your engineer/consultant/company name, address, contact number and/or invoice unique number
• Your customer/client’s name and address
• Proper descriptions of the materials, parts, and labour to be used
• Itemised quantities of the number, length, area, volume, weight or time used
• Your company’s GST and/or PAN number
• Net amount to be paid by customer or client
Do note that parts of a BOQ document can vary according to project size and agencies. For this article we will only focus on the Measured Work aspect of BOQs – only actual or estimated work are measured and tabulated.
These details are laid out in a tabular form that includes the item serial number, description of spec-in contents, unit, quantity, rates and rupee amounts in different columns.
This part of the BOQ is the key element of the document as it provides detailed information about individual items. To omit any data in the descriptions can affect the entire BOQ document, that’s why it is crucial to write watertight descriptions.
BOQ descriptions for each module can consist of the following:
• Short description of the billable action
• Names of products, materials and their chemical make-up, if any
• Exclusions (e.g. actions that are not in the scope of work)
• Dimensions of the materials/items required (e.g. length, width, weight, diameter, percentages, ratios, etc.)
• Volume/area of size covered in the billable action
• Any additional tasks or tools required to complete billable action
• Regulations and/or standards required of your billable actions/materials
• Disposal, handling and/or maintenance information
• Limitations to scope of work
• Warranty periods, if any
Depending on your organisation’s tendering conventions, your BOQ document will end off with the total sum of charges required in numbers and words. Terms and conditions, legal contracts, clauses, and signature lines and stakeholder designations may also form the end of your BOQ.
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